Leak Detection and Liner Repair

Leak Detection.

A leak in your pond liner can be a serious concern for you and your aquatic life, as it could potentially drain all or most of the water, leaving very little space for them to survive. In addition, pump damage due to lack of water and potentially destroying the ecosystem you have worked so hard to establish. A pond leak can be difficult to find. We always advise to top off the pond and then turn off all pond equipment, including pumps and or water feature filters. Leave it overnight and check the next morning before you contact us. If the level of the water has dropped, then you know for sure it's a liner leak rather than leaking pipes or a filtration unit.

If the leak is obvious then you'd most likely have seen it and the pond would empty very quickly. This isn't normally the case with a leaking liner, you'll usually find it's a pinhole and you're going to have trouble locating it. The best way is to allow the pond to drain and when the water stops leaking, examine the liner at the new water level. This will take some time as most liners are black and it's going to be hard to find a pinhole.

Peeling back liner to find leak

Liner Repair.

Once the hole has been located it will need to be determined if it can be repaired or needs to be replaced. Don’t freak out 9 times out of 10 it can be repaired. We have found that there are many ways to “patch a liner” but one way to fix the liner. We “seam” our patches and liner together through a chemical bonding process to provide a repair that lasts. The newly repaired part of the liner will now be the strongest part of pond or water feature liner.

Preparing to fix liner
Certified Aquascape Contractor